UEG Ultrasound Learning Area - UEG Week in Barcelona
Final Programme 28. October - 1. November 2017 Barcelona
The Ultrasound Learning Area promotes the role of a major diagnostic and interventional tool in gastroenterology: Clinical ultrasonography in the hands of the gastroenterologist. The Ultrasound Learning Area offers individual hands-on training, a basic and an advanced course on ultrasonography for the gastroenterologist, which are designed for both the beginner and the experienced and lectures in abdominal ultrasonography in the topics liver, GIT and pancreas presented by expert gastroenterologists.
Course directors:
- Prof. Dr. Dieter Nuernberg, Neuruppin, Germany
- Prof. Dr. Odd Helge Gilja, Bergen, Norway
- Prof. Dr. Ioan Sporea, Timisoara, Romania
Faculty members:
- Klaus Dirks, Winnenden, Germany
- Gabriele Hanenberg, Düren, Germany
- Christian Jenssen, Strausberg-Wriezen, Germany
- Horst Kinkel, Düren, Germany
- Giovanni Maconi, Milano, Italy
- Thomas Mueller, Reutlingen, Germany
- Kim Nylund, Bergen, Norway
- Alina Popescu,Timisoara, Romania
- Adrian Saftoiu, Craiova, Romania
- Zeno Sparchez, Cluij, Romania
- Stefan Uebel, Hitachi Co., Germany
- Jonas Valentinas, Vilnius, Lithuania
- Rune Wilkens, Copenhagen, Denmark
The programme is as of September 6, 2017.
Lectures of further ULCs
- Interesting cases - pitfalls and errors
Alina Popescu - Gallbladder stones and tumors
Alina Popescu - Vessels normal
Alina Popescu - Pancreas pathology – inflammatory changes
Alina Popescu